Cuban Deviled eggs

I got this idea from a blog from cuban man from Florida. It sound great and I am glad I made them. They were tasty and one of my favorite and easy to make. 
These are hard boiled eggs. scooped the yolk and the yolks were combined with sheddred cheddar cheese, small quantity of heavy cream, salt and pepper. If the mixture is too dry add more cream. The consistency should be pipeable. 
The sauce is made with diced fresh tomatoes or can tomatoes is fine, tomato juice, capers, green olives, yellow onions, ground cumin salt and black pepper. Cook down all ingredients until the sauce becomes thicker. Adjust season as needed. Finish with chopped parsley and thyme. 
Sprinkle the eggs with more cheddar cheese. Bake in the oven at 350F for 4 to 5 minutes. Serve it with the tomato sauce. 
