Furikake and an egg

Furikake rice cake, poached egg, poultry soy glaze, arugula blossom. 

  1. Furikake is a dry Japanese condiment meant to be sprinkled on top of rice. It typically consists of a mixture of dried and ground fish, sesame seeds, chopped seaweed, sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate. Wikipedia

    The cake was made with tamaki rice and Furikake salt and pepper. Spread on a sheet pan, chilled, cut into small squares. The cakes were then cover with corn starch and fried at 350 f until crispy. 
    The poultry soy glaze is a roasted chicken sauce reduction with a hint of soy sauce at the end. 

    The egg was garnished with arugula blossoms and more Furikake. 
    The eggs dishes Ideas on this blog are created and developed within a few days away from brunch. Recipes are not developed, yet I am willing to answer any question to help recreate any egg dish if desired. 
    All egg dishes are very simple and very delicious. I hope to inspire somebody out there. 
